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Intel - RealSense D400 Series

The RealSense D400 series cameras by Intel are compact distance measuring devices primarily designed for short-range analysis, spanning up to 6 meters. Utilizing advanced deep vision technology and compact form factors, these cameras find applications across various domains including computer vision, augmented reality, robotics, and beyond.


Getting started

To run the device, you must meet certain requirements listed below:



  • Connectivity: USB 3.0*

* USB 2.0 is possible, but significantly limits performance.


In this demo, we'll walk you through using the RealSense camera with ROS 2 via a Docker image. You'll also learn how to visualize data, including image previews and point clouds, using RViz. Demo based on realsense-ros repository.

Tested on

Start guide

1. Plugin the device

For the best performance please use USB 3.0 port, depend of the camera model. Then use lsusb command to check if the device is visible.

2. Clone repository

git clone --branch ros2
cd realsense-docker/demo

3. Run compose.yaml

xhost local:root
docker compose up


The RGBD (Red, Green, Blue, Depth) image is visible in the RViz2 tool.



The full API of the robot can be found in the official documentation of the device.


Depth cameras are essential for modern robotics, and RealSense cameras, known for their compact size, are an excellent choice for short-range tasks. They are also officially compatible with ROS 2 and continue to enhance their solutions for even better performance. Now you can use the acquired knowledge by creating a Tracker using the OpenCV library.

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