Wi-Fi Connection
Connecting Husarion UGV to Wi-Fi Network
To use Wi-Fi effectively, an active Internet connection is required. The robot comes with a built-in router, allowing you to configure it as a Wi-Fi client. This setup enables the router to connect to an external network and share Internet access with all devices on the local network (LAN).
To begin configuring the Wi-Fi network, first connect to the robot's network. The network name follows the format <robot-name>_<serial-number>
(e.g., panther_r2d2
). Next, open a web browser and navigate to Log in using the following credentials:
- Username:
- Password:
After logging in, you will see the router configuration panel. This manual is based on firmware version RUTX_R_00.07.06.1
, which is the default version for this router.
To connect to a Wi-Fi network, navigate to Network → Wireless → SSIDs. Next edit Multi AP SSID.
Under the Access Points section, click Add, then configure the SSID and Password of your WiFi network. You can add multiple WiFi networks.
Save & Apply the configuration.
Wait for the network to connect. The Status should change to connected.
If you encounter any issues with network connection please refer to official RUTX11 Manual