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Wi-Fi Connection

Connecting Husarion UGV to Wi-Fi Network

To use Wi-Fi effectively, an active Internet connection is required. The robot comes with a built-in router, allowing you to configure it as a Wi-Fi client. This setup enables the router to connect to an external network and share Internet access with all devices on the local network (LAN).


To begin configuring the Wi-Fi network, first connect to the robot's network. The network name follows the format <robot-name>_<serial-number> (e.g., panther_r2d2). Next, open a web browser and navigate to Log in using the following credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: Husarion1


After logging in, you will see the router configuration panel. This manual is based on firmware version RUTX_R_00.07.06.1, which is the default version for this router.

To connect to a Wi-Fi network, navigate to NetworkWirelessSSIDs. Next edit Multi AP SSID.


Under the Access Points section, click Add, then configure the SSID and Password of your WiFi network. You can add multiple WiFi networks.


Save & Apply the configuration.


Wait for the network to connect. The Status should change to connected.


If you encounter any issues with network connection please refer to official RUTX11 Manual