ROSbot XL - Software
Detailed information about content of rosbot_xl package for ROS2.
Package Description
Metapackage that contains dependencies to other repositories. It is also used to define whether simulation dependencies should be used.
Package that contains launch, which starts all base functionalities with the microros agent. Also configs for robot_localization
and laser_filters
are defined there.
Available Launch Files:
- is responsible for communicating with firmware and activating all logic related to the robot's movement and processing of sensory
- establishes connection with the firmware.
Launch Params:
camera_model | Add camera model to the robot URDF | None* |
lidar_model | Add LiDAR model to the robot URDF | None* |
include_camera_mount | Whether to include camera mount to the robot URDF | False |
mecanum | Whether to use mecanum drive controller, otherwise use diff drive | False |
namespace | Namespace for all topics and tfs | "" |
*You can check all available options using
flag. (e.g.ros2 launch rosbot_bringup -s
ROS2 hardware controller for ROSbot XL. It manages inputs and outputs data from ROS2 control, forwarding it via ROS topics to be read by microROS. The file loads the robot model defined in rosbot_xl_description along with ROS2 control dependencies from rosbot_hardware_interfaces.
URDF model used for both simulation and as a source of transforms on physical robot. It was written to be compatible with ROS Industrial and preconfigured for ROS2 control.
Available models:
rosbot_xl | Final configuration of rosbot_xl with ability to attach external hardware. |
rosbot_xl_base | Base of rosbot prepared to be included into preexisting configuration. Meant to be compatible with concept of ROS Industrial ability for manipulators to have interchangeable end effectors. |
Launch files for Ignition Gazebo working with ROS2 control.
Available Launch Files:
- running a rosbot in Gazebo simulator and simulate all specified sensors.
Launch Params:
camera_model | Add camera model to the robot URDF | None* |
lidar_model | Add LiDAR model to the robot URDF | None* |
include_camera_mount | Whether to include camera mount to the robot URDF | False |
mecanum | Whether to use mecanum drive controller, otherwise use diff drive | False |
namespace | Namespace for all topics and tfs | "" |
world | Path to SDF world file | husarion_gz_worlds/ worlds/husarion_world.sdf |
headless | Run Gazebo Ignition in the headless mode | False |
robots | List of robots that will be spawn in the simulation | []** |
*You can check all available options using
flag. (e.g.ros2 launch rosbot_bringup -s
).**Example of use:
robots:='robot1=\{x: 0.0, y: -1.0\}; robot2=\{x: 1.0, y: -1.0\};'
This package contains the stable firmware version with the flash script.
Available Nodes
~/controller_manager | Controller Manager performs two main functions. First, it manages controllers and their required interfaces, handling tasks like loading, activating, deactivating, and unloading. Second, it interacts with hardware components, ensuring access to their interfaces. controller_manager/controller_manager |
~/ekf_filter_node | Used to fuse wheel odometry and IMU data. Parameters are defined in rosbot_xl_bringup/config/ekf.yaml robot_localization/ekf_node |
~/imu_broadcaster | The broadcaster to publish readings of IMU sensors imu_sensor_broadcaster/imu_sensor_broadcaster |
~/imu_sensor_node | The node responsible for subscriptions to IMU data from the hardware rosbot_hardware_interfaces/rosbot_imu_sensor |
~/joint_state_broadcaster | The broadcaster reads all state interfaces and reports them on specific topics joint_state_broadcaster/joint_state_broadcaster |
~/laser_scan_box_filter | This is a filter that removes points in a laser scan inside of a cartesian box laser_filters/scan_to_scan_filter_chain |
~/robot_state_publisher | Uses the URDF specified by the parameter robot*description and the joint positions from the topic joint*states to calculate the forward kinematics of the robot and publish the results via tf robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher |
~/rosbot_system_node | The node communicating with the hardware responsible for receiving and sending data related to engine control rosbot_hardware_interfaces/rosbot_system |
~/rosbot_xl_base_controller | The controller managing a mobile robot with a differential or omni drive (mecanum wheels). Converts speed commands for the robot body to wheel commands for the base. It also calculates odometry based on hardware feedback and shares it.DiffDriveController or MecanumDriveController diff_drive_controller/diff_drive_controller |
~/scan_to_scan_filter_chain | Node which subscribes to /scan topic and removes all points that are within the robot's footprint (defined by config laser_filter.yaml in rosbot_xl_bringup package). Filtered laser scan is then published on /scan_filtered topic laser_filters/scan_to_scan_filter_chain |
/stm32_node | Node enabling communication with Digital Board, it provides the following interface micro_ros_agent/micro_ros_agent |
Available Topics
/battery_state | provides information about the state of the battery. sensor_msgs/BatteryState |
~/cmd_vel | sends velocity commands for controlling robot motion. geometry_msgs/Twist |
/diagnostics | contains diagnostic information about the robot's systems. diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray |
~/dynamic_joint_states | publishes information about the dynamic state of joints. control_msgs/DynamicJointState |
~/imu_broadcaster/imu | broadcasts IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) data. sensor_msgs/Imu |
~/imu_broadcaster/transition_event | signals transition events in the lifecycle of the IMU broadcaster node. lifecycle_msgs/TransitionEvent |
~/joint_state_broadcaster/transition_event | indicates transition events in the lifecycle of the joint state broadcaster node. lifecycle_msgs/TransitionEvent |
~/joint_states | publishes information about the state of robot joints. sensor_msgs/JointState |
~/laser_scan_box_filter/transition_event | signals transition events in the lifecycle of the laser scan box filter node. lifecycle_msgs/TransitionEvent |
~/odometry/filtered | publishes filtered odometry data. nav_msgs/Odometry |
~/robot_description | publishes the robot's description. std_msgs/String |
~/rosbot_xl_base_controller/odom | provides odometry data from the base controller of the ROSbot XL. nav_msgs/Odometry |
~/rosbot_xl_base_controller/transition_event | indicates transition events in the lifecycle of the ROSbot XL base controller node. lifecycle_msgs/TransitionEvent |
~/scan | publishes raw laser scan data. sensor_msgs/LaserScan |
~/scan_filtered | publishes filtered laser scan data. sensor_msgs/LaserScan |
~/set_pose | sets the robot's pose with covariance. geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped |
~/tf | publishes transformations between coordinate frames over time. tf2_msgs/TFMessage |
~/tf_static | publishes static transformations between coordinate frames. tf2_msgs/TFMessage |
Hidden topic:
/_imu/data_raw | raw data image from imu sensor sensor_msgs/Imu |
/_motors_cmd | desired speed on each wheel std_msgs/Float32MultiArray |
/_motors_responses | raw data readings from each wheel sensor_msgs/JointState |
ROS API - Manipulator
Software packages for ROSbot XL with OpenMANIPULATOR-X are available in the rosbot_xl_manipulation_ros repository. To find out how to use it please refer to our tutorial.
from rosbot_xl_manipulation_bringup
to start all base functionalities for ROSbot XL.
In rosbot_xl_manipulation_ros
original ROSbot XL interface is extended with OpenMANIPULATOR-X.
Below you can find the manipulator API, for ROSbot XL ROS API, please refer to the one in the rosbot_xl_ros
ROS 2 controller (for details refer to the official documentation)Action Servers
ROS 2 controller (for details refer to the official documentation)Subscribes
Action Servers:
- key node provided by MoveIt 2 (documentation)Subscribes
Service Servers
Action Servers
- provides interface to lower level controllers (documentation)Action Clients
- translates messages from gamepad to servo commands - moving the manipulator in cartesian or joint space. Also provides additional functions - moving manipulator to the Home position and opening/closing the gripper.Subscribes
- based on cartesian or joint commands calculates joint trajectory (documentation)Subscribes
Service Servers