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User Computer Setup Guide

This subpage contains additional descriptions and manuals about Panther's User Computers included in Panther Options.

Mounting the User Computer


Perform this step only if you purchased the Panther UGV without a User Computer and want to connect your own. If you bought the Panther with the User Computer included, it is already mounted and ready to use.

The User Computer is mounted in a dedicated place on the Shelf inside Panther's User Compartment.

The instructions below will guide you on how to mount and set it up within your robot.

  1. Turn off Panther.

  2. Open the Cover following the instruction to access the inside of the User Space.

  3. To remove the User Shelf loosen 6 x DIN 912 M5x12 screws and disconnect cables connected between the router and Panther.

    Remove User ShelfRemove User Shelf
  4. Mount the computer using supplied screws (M3x8) to User Shelf.

    NUC screwsNUC screws
  5. Place the User Shelf in Panther and tighten 6 x DIN 912 M5x12 screws.

    Remove User ShelfRemove User Shelf
  6. Before set up make sure you have read User Power Panel documentation. Connect your Custom User Computer to the user power panel. You can use 5V, 12V or 19V.

  7. Plug the supplied Ethernet cable into the User Computer and Teltonika RUTX11 router.

  8. Close the Cover following instruction.

Network setup

By default the network mask is and the devices' IPs begin with 10.15.20.XX. The default static IPs are:

  • RUTX11 - an internal router with an access point and a DHCP server,
  • Built-in Computer - a SBC with Panther's driver,
  • Additional: User Computer - look at Computer (PC),
  • Additional: a manipulator - look at Manipulators (MAN).

Applying DHCP Static Lease

  1. Access to Router WebUI using this instruction.

  2. Make sure that Mode advanced is enabled. Check it in the top right corner. If Mode Basic is shown, click on it to change it.

    Remove User ShelfRemove User Shelf
  3. Go to Network --> Interfaces and click edit on Lan Network.

    Remove User ShelfRemove User Shelf
  4. Edit Static lease named nuc. Next, type in the MAC address (supplied during purchase) and click Save and apply. If you do not know the MAC address, you can find it under Status --> Network --> LAN page. By default, the User Computer inside Panther has IP, but it can be changed to any value in the range between to

  5. You can access the User Computer through its new IP (default: If it is not available, power cycle Panther by turning it off and back on.

Enable Internet connection in the RUX11

There are 2 ways to enable Internet connection of the Built-in Computer and of the User Computer. You can connect RUTX11 to existing Wi-Fi network which has access to the Internet or you can use a SIM card with LTE.

Connect the RUTX11 to another Wi-Fi

Connect the RUTX11 to another Wi-Fi network using the Configuration examples > Client Mode section from the producer's instruction.

Using a Cellular Connection

If your Panther is equipped with the (ANT02 option) it is possible to use the cellular connection with failover to a second SIM and priority of WLAN connection over cellular.

Installing a SIM Card(s)

First, open the Cover following instructions, then you can access Teltonika RUTX11 SIM slots, more details are available in the RUTX11 quick start guide.

Configuration of SIM Slots

In the default configuration, each SIM slot is enabled with automatic APN and priority of WLAN connection over cellular. To change settings such as PIN code, custom APN, or CHAP/PAP authentication use router's WebUI, see the RUTX11 mobile configuration guide.

Configure time synchronization with the Built-in Computer

The built-in computer uses Chrony to establish an NTP server. For optimal performance, the user's computer should be configured as an NTP client.

  1. Check if Chrony is installed:

    chronyd --version
  2. If Chrony is not installed, install it with the following command:

    sudo apt install chrony
  3. Edit the configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf

    Add the following line:

    server iburst prefer

    Save the changes (ctrl+s) and exit the file (ctrl+x).

  4. Restart chrony:

    sudo systemctl restart chrony.service
  5. Check if the synchronization was successful (it may take a moment before Chrony to restart):

    chronyc tracking

    The Reference ID field should contain the IP address of the Built-in Computer ( or have rpi in the name. Example output:

    Reference ID    : 0A0F1402 (rpi.lan)
    Stratum : 3
    Ref time (UTC) : Tue Jun 18 09:03:48 2024
    System time : 0.000016993 seconds fast of NTP time
    Last offset : +0.000017369 seconds
    RMS offset : 0.000017369 seconds
    Frequency : 11.877 ppm slow
    Residual freq : +0.359 ppm
    Skew : 2.391 ppm
    Root delay : 0.029849635 seconds
    Root dispersion : 0.003227041 seconds
    Update interval : 64.3 seconds
    Leap status : Normal

Configuring Soft Shutdown with any User Computer

Following these steps will allow the Built-in Computer to request the shutdown procedure on the User Computer or any computer you install.

If you set up your User Computer with the default IP address and username husarion select the Default configuration tab. In case the IP address or username differs from the defaults, select Custom configuration tab.


The Built-in Computer's ROS 2 driver is capable of shutting down not only one User Computer but as many as you want. It is also capable of running custom shutdown commands and much more. Refer to the panther_manager ROS 2 package documentation to see how to edit shutdown_hosts.yaml to reflect your needs.

The default configuration assumes the system was installed following the steps in User Computer system reinstallation.

  1. From any device in Panther's network connect to the Built-in Computer via SSH:

    ssh husarion@
  2. Exchange SSH public keys between the Built-in Computer and the User Computer with:

    ssh-copy-id husarion@

    By default, the ROS driver on the Built-in Computer will try to shutdown the User Computer at IP address with the username husarion and the command sudo shutdown. That is why no other changes are required for it to work in the default configuration.

After following those steps, when the Power Button is pressed sudo shutdown will be invoked on the User Computer. The Built-in Computer will wait for the User Computer until it gracefully shuts down before shutting down itself and powering off the robot.

Accessing ROS from the User Computer.

DDS configuration

The Panther ROS driver uses rmw_cyclonedds_cpp as the default communication middleware. For optimal quality of service, ensure that the RMW_IMPLEMENTATION environment variable is set. To do so, run the following command: export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.

Panther's ROS 2 API is described here. Make sure ROS 2 Driver is set up on the Built-in Computer and you have Internet connection. To access Panther's Driver from the User Computer you can use natively installed ROS 2 or Docker.

  1. To get started, please install on your User Computer ROS 2 Humble on Ubuntu 22.04.

  2. To drive Panther install teleop_twist_keyboard:

    sudo apt install ros-humble-teleop-twist-keyboard
  3. Reset e-stop using service call:

    ros2 service call /panther/hardware/e_stop_trigger std_srvs/srv/Trigger
  4. Run teleop_twist_keyboard and drive the robot:

    ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard